This section contains some short posts or annotated code snippets that albeit interesting or likely useful didn't warrant a complete blog article.
All these examples and posts are compatible with Swift 3.
#17: Generate Random Numbers with Swift |
#16: Singletons in Swift 3 |
#15: Rounding Floating Point Numbers to Specific Decimal Places |
#14: NSTimer with Swift 3 |
#13: KVO and KVC in Swift 3 |
#12: Rounding Floating Point Numbers in Swift 3 |
#11: Print object's content with dump |
#10: Executing closures with a delay in Swift 3 |
#09: Creating DispatchQueues in Swift 3 |
#08: Merging Dictionaries in Swift |
#07: Labeled statements in Swift |
#06: URL/URI Escaping in Swift 3: Encoding and Decoding |
#05: Sorting Array and Dictionaries in Swift |
#04: Splitting Strings in Swift |
#03: String trimming in Swift 3 |
#02: CustomStringConvertible and Description in Swift |
#01: Swapping variables in Swift |